I found early on that even with my super awesome beautiful diaper bag, I needed something to keep all her food stuff together, and I wanted it to be something that would contain any spills, but I didn't want to use plastic bags because I'm avoiding disposable wherever possible. Oh, and it should also be cute. And multifunctional. But not too expensive.
So I bought an Itzy Ritzy Snack Happens bag. It's the perfect size to hold a spoon and a few baby cubes, it has food-grade lining, and I can throw it in the washing machine. So for now I use it to hold little bits, and later on I can toss a handful of grapes, or dry cereal, or cookies, or anything in there for her to munch on. This isn't the pattern I have, but it is the pattern I want! I have the matching wet bag for dirty diapers, and I need a second snack bag, I think...
When I first started giving Tabetha water to drink, she drank out of a small ceramic cup because she refused to drink from a bottle and couldn't figure out a sippy cup. I was despairing a little bit of what she'd do at daycare - it's very carer intensive to have an 11 month old drinking out of a grown up cup - but last week she finally decided that sippy cups are good. We have three kinds, two of which we've used enough to have an opinion on.

We already had an OrganicKidz stainless steel bottle. One of the reasons we bought it was that we knew they were releasing a kit to turn it into a sippy cup - perfect! And actually it's my favourite. It's long, but narrow so easier for her to hang onto. The spout is flexible, which seems to be easier for her to drink from, and it's very easy to clean. And it has a cap to contain any spills. It's much sleeker and fits in the diaper bag better, too.
Finally, I wanted something cheaper for daycare, something I wouldn't care if I had to replace more often, but that was still good. We went with a Dr. Brown's sippy cup. It has a soft spout, and I can get replacement parts, so if something breaks I don't have to throw the whole thing out. It's also light and small, so she's more likely to be able to use it without help. I'll post more when we've had time to use it and get used to it!
The last thing I have to review is actually a set. Untangled Living makes the absolute cutest set of stainless steel kids dishes, and from the moment I saw them I had to have them. Now that Tabby is eating lots of finger foods it's become helpful to have a plate for her to eat of off - the food still ends up on the table, but we live in hope of her learning table manners! The deep plate helps her scoop food out rather than just swiping it off, it's all adorable, and the set will grow with her until she's ready to use breakable dishes. It also comes in a cute gecko design.
So far, that's pretty much everything we've used. Oh, and lots of bibs!
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