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Sunday, March 6, 2011

Baby feedings pt. 1

Now that Tabs is eating solid food, feeding equipment consists of more than just an ugly bra with latches.  There are a few things we've tried.

We started with the Baby Safe Feeder.  It's really neat.  The concept is very cool and they work exactly as described.  Put food into mesh bag, screw onto handle, give to baby.  As they gum at it, food comes through the mesh but never in pieces big enough to choke a baby. We used them at first and they were great but Tabetha got teeth quite early, and we're not using them anymore.

Tabetha eats homemade food, other than the baby cereal (which I buy because that way it's fortified with iron, which I can't do at home).  I make it in large quantities and freeze it in handy dandy portions that I can easily throw in the diaper bag or what have you.  Lots of people do this using ice cube trays and then have containers they put the frozen chunks in; I use baby cubes because you freeze it IN the containers, which have lids, so it's one less step.  I love them - they're fantastic for purees, and also for holding Tabetha's favourite organic teddy puff thingies.  The only thing I DON'T like about these is that I've occasionally had the plastic break if I take them directly out of the freezer and pour boiling water over them to thaw the food, but if I remember to take her meals out a couple hours ahead, it's a non issue.

In order to get said purees into Tabetha, we bought  a spoon/spork set.  I like it because it bends, so when she's ready to start self-feeding I can bend it to whatever odd shape works best.  I also found it helpful to do that when she was first starting - for whatever reason she preferred eating from the side of the spoon rather than the front.  Plus, they're really cute!  The set we got are Boon.

I generally keep one in the kitchen for home meals, and one in the diaper bag for out meals, and it's been working out really well.

(to be continued shortly)

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