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Thursday, March 24, 2011

Daddy day

Today was the longest that Chris and Tabetha have ever been alone together.

Both of Tabby's ears are infected, and she's been coughing a bit, so I wanted to keep her home from daycare.  I'd already missed three days of work this week, so today daddy was on!  Now, if she were being a normal sick baby, all whiny and clingy and unhappy, I probably wouldn't have.  But one of the mysteries of the Tabetha is that she was her absolute normal happy wiggly giggly self.  So cool.

The day was set up very well by last night - she slept 6 hours in her crib, nursed, slept 2 more hours in her crib, and then Chris brought her to bed with us because the alarm was going to go off in half an hour anyhow.  So we basically got a whole night of no baby in bed, and she got a really great solid night's sleep!

And, as I expected, it went fine.  The big if was nap time - the good people at daycare have her trained to go to sleep in her bed after just a moment or two of back patting, but apparently what happens at daycare stays at daycare - at home it's rare for her to go to sleep without nursing.  I've been okay with that because hey - no kid ever went off to college needing to nurse to sleep, anyhow.  It's our special quiet time and I think I'll miss it.

At any rate, when the time came for morning nap Chris loaded her into the stroller and her eyes were half-shut before they made it out the door.  She slept for an hour and a half  before he woke her up.  The same thing happened for afternoon nap, though she refused to take a long nap then and I had to nurse her back down for another short nap when I got home from work.

Meanwhile, I got lots done at work, met the new provincial Minister of Transportation and Infrastructure, and Chris got a taste of what my life has been over the last year.  Good for everyone.  :o)

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