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Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Lazy update

A lot has happened since I've posted regularly.  We had some trouble at the daycare Tabby was attending and made the decision to move her to a different facility.  Thankfully we stayed on all the waitlists iI signed up for a year ago, because we got a spot just when we needed it most.  I wrote a post about all the reasons why, but in the end, it wasn't the right place for us.

I'm already much more excited about the new place, and not just because it's a block away from my office and well over $200 a month cheaper - the level of professionalism and care she is getting is just miles above.

We've been busy doing summer things in these short, fewer-than-usual weeks of nice weather.  Tabetha has had her first cob of lovely Silver Rill farm corn, her first dunk in the ocean, her first run around the yard naked, her first ice cream, her first time touching a horse, and so many other things.  Fall is coming fast now, though - the chill is in the air in the mornings.

Which leads to another thing I've been doing instead of writing - I took up knitting.  I taught myself by way of Youtube videos because I didn't know anyone who knits continental, but I've joined a local knitting  circle as a means to get out of the house once a week, and I'm really enjoying it.  It's amazing to me how much can be done just with two basic stitches, let alone the fancier stuff.  I am very excited about making things for Tabetha and for gifts.

But even I can't type and knit at the same time!

Anyhow, I've forgotten the camera for a few crucial events lately - such as the trip to the fall fair and today's swim at the beach - but I've captured a few really super moments too.  And made slippers.

1 comment:

Mom said...

That really was a great long weekend, so much fun. :) I haven't teetered in years although I have tottered.