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Sunday, April 24, 2011

Review: iCandy Pear

I don't actually own the iCandy Pear.  It would be a bit silly, in fact, since we have only one baby and the Pear is a double stroller.  But I did borrow it and take it on vacation, which is always a good way to get a really good sense of a stroller.

We had it for 5 days, during which time we used it in both single and double mode.  This was in November, and apparently I didn't take any pictures!

It's a big stroller.  There's no getting around that.  But because it's an inline, it does manoeuvre around racks and through doors really well, and in fact it steers beautifully.  In fact, the more you weigh it down, the better it steers!  In duo mode we would put the baby in the top seat and then use the bottom seat to hold coats and shopping - it wasn't uncommon for it to be carrying 4 adult winter coats plus a myriad of shopping bags without becoming difficult to push.

The Pear carries up to two kids in a LOT of different combinations - for each kid, you have the option of putting in the seat, a bassinet, or a car seat adaptor.  The top seat is larger than the bottom, and if you have two kids of different sizes, the heavier child goes on top.

At the time, Tabby was 8 months old, and went a fair job to filling the top seat, and that's the biggest downside to this stroller:  despite the fact that it's big and strong and can carry a LOT of weight, it won't carry a larger toddler at all, let alone two.

I loved: the lovely british style, the easy manoeuvring, the strength of the chassis, the easy conversion from single to double.  And the price is a lot less than I'd expected, too!  Plus you can get what they call "flavour packs" that consist of a cozy seat liner and canopy in yummy juicy colours.

I didn't love: the small seats, the slightly tricky fold.

All in all, a great stroller - especially if you make smallish babies!

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