My first stroller, which I reviewed here, is the Mutsy 4Rider. I also have a Bugaboo Frog, which I picked up for bombing around downtown when I sent the 4Rider to live at my dad's for when we go to visit. And I thought I was done, but...
Tabetha starts daycare next month (too soon! too soon!) and her daycare is on the second floor of the building, and it's a looong flight of stairs. The daycare is only 500 metres away from our house, so the plan is that when the weather's decent my husband will walk her to daycare and leave the stroller there, so that when I go to pick her up at the end of the day I can walk back with her.
The Frog is a lovely stroller. I really like it a lot. But it has a two piece fold and while it's compact, it's not stuff-it-in-her-cubby small. And so I started to get antsy... and then I started doing some intensive searching... and now a new stroller is coming to join our little family.

The Bumbleride Flite (review to come sometime after it arrives and I get to test the heck out of it) is what is known as a convenience stroller. It folds like an umbrella stroller, and basically that's what it is, but it has way more features. Sure, it folds down small and has a carry handle to make climbing up and down those stairs carrying Tabby a breeze, but it also has a generous canopy, a reclining back and a decent storage basket. And, of course, it comes in all the pretty Bumbleride colours and is compatible with the Bumbleride accessories. Do I sound a little too excited?
It's a sickness.
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