You are rapidly becoming a toddler. You walk like a champ, and sometimes you already refuse to hold my hand. Your knees are bruised from tumbles, but it doesn't seem to concern you in the least. Some of the things you've done recently that I don't want to forget:
- This morning your daddy came up and got you, took you downstairs, changed your diaper, and put you into your high chair before you woke up. Sort of like saturday, when you fell asleep in the car and stayed asleep when I got you out, took you into the store, and tried several pairs of shoes on you.
- This evening I started singing "Baby Beluga" to see if you would dance for me. You did, but not until after you brought me the "Baby Beluga" boardbook, in case I forgot the words I guess.
- You love trying to feed your Stella doll with your water bottle.
- You bring books to us to read. If we don't take them from you immediately and start reading, you hit us with them two or three times. If we still don't obey, you collapse to the floor and start howling like your heart is broken.
- You love to put your dolls on your wheely mouse and push them around. If they fall off, you just put them right back. In fact, I think you like that more than actually riding it yourself!
- You recognized grama Sherril on the computer! you waved at her and carried on a "conversation"
- Saturday night at supper you ate tamago on brown rice with wasabi, tempura yam and zucchini, teriyaki chicken and veg, sunomono salad with crab, and pickled ginger.
- You won't even put mango in your mouth. No one knows why.
i see all those fun birthday gifts are in good use :)
yeah, she's a pretty spoiled little moochkin :o)
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