We headed up island for the may long weekend, our first trip since I went back to work. We went up to visit family.

The trip was really almost perfect from start to finish. We decided to make it easier on ourselves by coming home from work, having supper, bathtime, baby jammies, etc and then instead of putting her to bed, we put her in the car and headed for Campbell River.

It worked great. The holiday weekend rush was over, and there was a Canucks play off game on, so the roads were beautifully deserted. The trip took just over three hours, we got to my Dad's, unpacked, and got a decent night's sleep.
Saturday the weather wasn't wonderful, but we still had a great time playing at the park. It was the same park I used to play at when I was a little kid - though it's had a complete change in equipment since then - so it was really fun to go there with my Dad and Jo and see Tabetha playing there, too. In the summer I want to take her to swim in the outdoor pool, but it wasn't open yet and it's much too cold yet anyhow.
That was pretty great, but I think my favourite part of Saturday was after supper when Chris and I went to the movies to see Thor, and Tabetha stayed home with Grampa Gord and Grama Jo. She had a nice bath, looked at books (Apparently she spent some time looking through a song book and singing and dancing to herself) and by the time we finished watching the movie and came back, she was happily asleep in her lovely new Valco playpen, which seems a whole lot nicer than the playpens available in Canada. If they ever release it here (we bought it second hand from a family who brought it over from Australia) I think they'd make a killing.
It was awesome.
Sunday had two main adventures, starting with brunch at the
Kingfisher Resort which I recommend VERY highly. The food was wonderful. I'll probably forget something, but Tabetha ate:
- scrambled eggs
- cheese omelet
- blueberries
- blueberry muffin
- quince
- canteloupe
- smoked salmon
- prawn
- crab
- sunomono salad
- cottage cheese
- hummus
- watermelon
- bocconcini
- tomato in pesto
I can't even remember what else. She was an eating machine, and she was storing up energy for...
Her first steps!
It was so exciting. Finally! She walked! We were all very proud. Of course, her current attitude seems to be that she did it once and therefore doesn't need to ever do it again, but hey. We know she'll get there, and Daddy captured it perfectly.

Sunday also involved music and a trip out for some mexican food. Tabetha enjoyed some refried beans, quesadilla, enchiladas, guacamole and rice. How did I give birth to such a culinarily adventurous child? I won't even eat half the stuff she ate that day.
The trip was much too short. Monday we headed back for home. We set out from Campbell River around 11 am. We were fortunate in that Tabby fell asleep before we even made it to the highway, which was fantastic. We stopped in Nanaimo for lunch and a trip to the park to burn off some baby energy.
Tabetha enjoyed colouring on the table mat (though we sometimes had to stop her from eating the crayons) and she enjoyed her glass of milk and her grilled cheese sandwich, and she warmed up to the grapes by the end.
The park was super, though I think she'd've liked to have stayed longer - I was pretty sunburnt from the day before, though, and we wanted to head home. We had to stop again in Duncan because she had just had it. A snack and a drink and a few times walking around the Dairy Queen set her to rights again, though, and eventually we made it home.
I could certainly have used a day to do laundry and rest when we got back, of course, but it wasn't as much work as I was afraid it might've been. It was great.